Monday, January 30, 2012

Matt Corby.....{drool}

Geebuz Loiuse, I think I'm in love...
 How awesome is this guy?! Serious! His voice, those eyes...aaahhhhhh...
He's come a long way since his Australian Idol days. I did think he was a bit cute back then, but he was only like 16 so how wrong!! But those eyes...
Now he's all grown up and has such a man look and such a man voice and is a man not a boy! So now I can swoon and it is ok!
Have you heard this version of Brother? A-MA-ZING!!
I dare you to watch this and not have a little tear!

Do you like?


  1. i love it! he has come a long way! x


    like in a naughty way.

  3. I loved Matt Corby back in the Aus Idol days (yes, I'm brave enough to admit it!) ! And now he's even better! Funnily enough a friend of mine in the UK sent me the link to this song. Love it.

  4. Rach, I swear we have the same taste. I had to watch that video twice coz I was to busy thinking about how delicious he was the first time. Those eyes and oh hell all of him :-)

  5. Ahh Matt Corby.
    He could sing me my electricity bill and I would be happy.

  6. That's a lotta facial hair for a 21 year old


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