Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello world!

Hello, internet? Is that you?
By golly it is good to be back online. Sure, it may be via a little, very expensive usb modem in which I must track my upoads and downloads every 5 seconds to make sure I’m not exceeding my limits, but I’m here! (no thanks to my lovely husband who won’t call dodo to see why our home internet isn’t working. I can’t call, I’m not an authorised person! Can you tell I’m not annoyed at this at all??)
And I must mention that I have bought my credit under top secret circumstances seeing as how everytime I get credit my son sucks the life out of it playing mind numbing games, and listening to music via you tube!! Who does that I ask you? 11 year old boys apparently.

Anyhoo, as part of the new year, I promised myself to make more effort with this, my blog. And with all my creative hobbies actually. The past couple of months' shenanigans have drained me of every inch of enthusiasm and motivation for everything I previously thought of as fun. Today I fight back! I will fight for my passion, for my creativity! Yes! Can I get a hallelujah!

So, for my first blog post of the year, I will show you what I recently put my creativeness (is that even a word? It is now!) towards. An ace stool!
This baby came to me all brown and vinyl, cool yes, but not cool enough. She sat in my kitchen area for a good couple of weeks before inspiration struck.
I decided to use a piece of patchwork material I had pieced together a few months ago. I had planned on making a small quilt for my bed, but I took waaay too long (more than one night!) so I chucked it in my craft cupboard and there it stayed, looking lovely but pretty useless… until Sunday afternoon.
A snip here, a staple there, and wha-la! Isn’t she lovely…isn’t she wonderful?

I'm not quite sure what to do with her legs yet though. Leave them? Stain them? Paint them? Any suggestions peeps?

Wow, that felt good! Hello blog land, I'm back!


Thanks for your lovely messages! They really make my day :)

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