Monday, January 23, 2012

The forgotten people

The weekend just gone I took a trip to Heywood, a small country town where my parents grew up and where I was born. My cousin Bec was having her 18th birthday party. There are no photos to show you from the party - I'm afraid I may have made a fool of myself a bit while trying to get teenagers to get up and dance! But hey, I livened things up a little. Or so I thought...maybe not. Hhhm...

The kids and I went with Mum yesterday morning to the little local cemetery to say hello to her Dad, as well as the numerous other members of family buried there.
My great-great-great grandparents
I know it's probably not really appropriate to be taking photos at a cemetery, but I just find them so fascinating! I look at the gravestones and find myself wondering what that person was like, if they had children, how they died. I feel so sad for them.
The children's graves are the worst. I remember being a kid and feeling so sad for these children who had died so young. Of course now that I have kids of my own, I can't help but feel the heartbreak of their parents.

I think of the people buried under the really old gravestones who may not have any family left to remember them. No one left who misses them. That will be me one day. In 100 years time who will remember me? I'll be long forgotten.
They had lives just like ours, with family and friends. With their homes. With things they loved to do! Now it's nothing but a distant memory. To someone.
Or maybe to no one.  


  1. I think this is a truly lovely post. And your closing sentence is so thoughtful.

    btw i've given you an award nom on my blog. please check it out if you get a chance.

  2. hi rach. your photos & words are well captured. my biggest fear is no longer being able to step foot on this earth. i have to stop myself thinking about it because i feel like i would pass out. some people cannot understand this. there are a few who do. xo.

  3. My daughter's favourite place is the cemetery.....not sure what that means! Whenever we travel we find a local cemetery and go through the names and ages creating life stories for them, what they were like etc. It's nice to know were your family is even though their not here anymore, and yours for sure look like they have a beautiful view up on the hill there.
    Little reminder to I guess to enjoy every moment we have here.............


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