Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another bunch for Feb

Right. Time to bombard you with another bunch of photos from the Feb photo challenge. 
{Drink} Coke zero!
 {Something you hate to do} The dishes
 {A fave photo of you}
 {Where you work} Modern Vintage!
 {Your shoes} Can't live without my thongs!

So this is about the time that I finally figured out Instagram and how to tag my photos! So you can see the rest of my photo a day pics on there, look for rachjax and there I shall be!

I must say I have become a little obsessed by Instagram. It's such a quick and easy way to share your everyday moments.
Are you on Instagram?

For Benny

Tonight...I celebrate my love for you...ooooh ooh!
Go on, sing it out loud!

Today is our 8 year wedding anniversary. We've been through a lot, you and I. Ups and downs, all the usual stuff. We are opposites, but you know what Paula Abdul says. And I think she's right!
On top of our 8 years as husband and wife, there's the previous 7 years, when we were just so little but had little ones of our own. 

We've had to grow from teenagers into adults together. Not an easy task at times! But look at us now! We're doing grown up things so we must be grown ups!

Love you Benny.

It's fun looking back through old photos, but...

Good god, the hair. The Hair!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday's treasures - a vintage cash register

Whoops, almost forgot Tuesday's Treasure this week! Very slack. By the time I remembered it was too dark to take any decent photos, so I've used a couple I took weeks ago.
Here we have our new/old cash register for Modern Vintage.

These things are very hard to come by! Mum and I did a little dance when we found this baby at the Daylesford Mill Market. It works too, and I still have a little giggle everytime I serve someone and hear the 'cha-ching!" 

Righto guys, you'd better make up for my slackness and show us what treasures you have. Link up below!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ok, it's my turn now...accent vlog yikes!!

I did it. I actually did it! I can't believe that I did it, and I might regret that I did it. But I did it anyway.

To my sister, brother & Craig: please don't give me shit about this. It is for people who don't know me and think I'm interesting! So sshhh.

How funny does Ryleah look in that screen shot!!
Em sure has a way of getting you to do things. Ever since her accent vlog, I have thought about doing one more and more, til I finally had to give it a go. I had to have Ryleah with me or I would have felt completely uncomfortable! So there you go crazy lady, and accent vlog for you so you don't feel corny by yourself.

Friday, February 17, 2012


I have had some serious blogger love of late, and I am feeling it, oh yeah!

A couple of weeks ago, the very lovely Jen gave me an award which is passed from blog to blog, and I think it's a great way to let people know you love what they do and also to share blogs to other people!
I must apologise to Jen for being sooo slack in passing this award on!

Then just today Jenny also gave me an award, a bit like the one above, so I am a bit chuffed!

So, for the first award, I must answer a few questions. Alright then!

{Favourite song}
Yikes! Well, I don't have a favourite song, there are so many from over the years that I love and that stir up a lot of memories. Cop out!!
I guess lately my fave would have to be Brother by Matt Corby,
and I'm digging Shake it out by Florence and the machine
{Favourite dish}
Anything with pumpkin in it
{What makes you irritated?}
Flies that can't take the hint that I actually don't want them on my eyeball, up my nose or in my ear.
{When I'm upset}
I clean like a mad woman
{Favourite Pet}
{Black or White?}
{My greatest fear}
Not being with my kids when they need me the most
{My everyday attitude}
Pretty chilled I guess?
{What is perfection for me?}
Happy kids, happy husband, an ice cold glass of coke zero, crochet & new episodes of 30 Rock
(all at once preferably!)
{My bad habits}
Coke zero!

Now, seven things about me:
  • I love soggy tomato sandwiches. Not that I eat them anymore, (who has time to let them go soggy??) but I have great memories from being at Primary School & getting my soggy tomato sandwich out...good times!
  • I wish I could take the kids on more family holidays. I loved it when I was young and want them to have those memories too.
  • I have been in love with my husband since I first laid eyes on him in year 11, 1996!
  • I dribble in my sleep. Sometimes I wake up with it in my hair.
  • I love my businesses, but would really love to be a stay at home mum
  • I'm learning to play the harmonica at the moment, but highly doubt I'll have the confidence to play for anyone!
  • When I was a teenager I wanted to be a Mum more than anything in the world. I had no career aspirations at all, but thought I might make a good artist! Studied Visual Arts at Uni for 6 months, dropped out and fell pregnant with Jesse. I was wrapped.
Now to pass the award on to 5 other blogs I love(with less than 200 followers). In no particular order:

Now for the next award!

Liebster in German means...

favourite, dearest, beloved

and it's for bloggers with under 200 followers.

How lucky am I getting to mention another fabulous 5 blogs?

Gah, that is so hard! There is so many blogs I love and I don't want to leave anyone out!

Well, thanks so much ladies, it has been a pleasure to hand these awards on to these lovely blogs.

Happy snaps

I'm not too good at keeping these photos up to date, so here's a whole bunch all together.
{sun} on my way home
 {front door} well, my back door really, but the one that gets used the most, and is the entrance
 {self portrait} I am a twit
 {Makes you happy} the kids, of course!
 {inside your closet} yikes
{blue} magnificent!
 {heart} naw, kids hands - with ace friendship bracelets!
 {phone} old
 {something new} pretty dress, and that's my fat finger in the way!
{time} tick tock! My new watch!

I would just like to point out that I have been taking these photos (except todays) blind! I have had a cracked phone screen, then the backlight blew so I could hardly see a thing. Yep, I'm that good!

I'm sure you've seen it before, but here's the link anyway!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

To market, to market...

It's almost market time again, and I have some new and exciting things in the works...
I am very much looking forward to having something new for this market. As much as I still love making the brooches and pendants, it can get a little boring when you're making them in bulk. Luckily, I made a truck load last year and still have plenty this time around.
You should totally come and visit  me at the market if you're around the area! Yeah!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday's Treasures - antique camera collection

I'm giving myself (and you if you want!) an excuse to take photos of all the wonderful things I love. Every Tuesday I will be hosting 'Tuesday's treasures', where I will post photos of my chosen object for the week. Many photos probably! 
Do you want to join me?
Your treasure might be something you've just purchased or acquired, or something you've had a while. It might be brand spanking new, or second hand. Who cares? I want to see it! 

This week I'm showing you my antique camera collection.

The camera in the 7th photo is a video camera and came with film still in it! I would love to see what is on it.
I bought these all from different places all around Ballarat. No great story really!
I just love how they look.
And I love photography, so why not?

Do you have anything special to share this week?
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