I have had some serious blogger love of late, and I am feeling it, oh yeah!
A couple of weeks ago, the very lovely
Jen gave me an award which is passed from blog to blog, and I think it's a great way to let people know you love what they do and also to share blogs to other people!
I must apologise to Jen for being sooo slack in passing this award on!
Then just today
Jenny also gave me an award, a bit like the one above, so I am a bit chuffed!
So, for the first award, I must answer a few questions. Alright then!
{Favourite song}
Yikes! Well, I don't have a favourite song, there are so many from over the years that I love and that stir up a lot of memories. Cop out!!
I guess lately my fave would have to be
Brother by Matt Corby,
{Favourite dish}
Anything with pumpkin in it
{What makes you irritated?}
Flies that can't take the hint that I actually don't want them on my eyeball, up my nose or in my ear.
{When I'm upset}
I clean like a mad woman
{Favourite Pet}
{Black or White?}
{My greatest fear}
Not being with my kids when they need me the most
{My everyday attitude}
Pretty chilled I guess?
{What is perfection for me?}
Happy kids, happy husband, an ice cold glass of coke zero, crochet & new episodes of 30 Rock
(all at once preferably!)
{My bad habits}
Coke zero!
Now, seven things about me:
- I love soggy tomato sandwiches. Not that I eat them anymore, (who has time to let them go soggy??) but I have great memories from being at Primary School & getting my soggy tomato sandwich out...good times!
- I wish I could take the kids on more family holidays. I loved it when I was young and want them to have those memories too.
- I have been in love with my husband since I first laid eyes on him in year 11, 1996!
- I dribble in my sleep. Sometimes I wake up with it in my hair.
- I love my businesses, but would really love to be a stay at home mum
- I'm learning to play the harmonica at the moment, but highly doubt I'll have the confidence to play for anyone!
- When I was a teenager I wanted to be a Mum more than anything in the world. I had no career aspirations at all, but thought I might make a good artist! Studied Visual Arts at Uni for 6 months, dropped out and fell pregnant with Jesse. I was wrapped.
Now to pass the award on to 5 other blogs I love(with less than 200 followers). In no particular order:
Now for the next award!
Liebster in German means...
favourite, dearest, beloved
and it's for bloggers with under 200 followers.
How lucky am I getting to mention another fabulous 5 blogs?
Gah, that is so hard! There is so many blogs I love and I don't want to leave anyone out!
Well, thanks so much ladies, it has been a pleasure to hand these awards on to these lovely blogs.