Thursday, July 21, 2011

One of those days

I think today is gonna be one of those days. My brain's not quite right this morning. I know this because I just poured myself 2 glasses of juice for breakfast. No, I didn't pour 1, forget then pour myself another. I got out 2 glasses, and poured juice in both, put the juice away, then looked at the drinks and couldn't figure out what I'd done! I'm the only one here!

On another note, I chopped myself a fringe yesterday.

please ignore my grotty mirror!
 I'm still getting used to it, hated it at first but it's growing on me.

I'm off to work to make others look pretty now!

What's on for your day peeps?


  1. I think I shall sit at my desk at work for around seven hours and do my zombie office worker impression. Aint life grand…..

  2. i like it ! I once cut my hair off (from shoulder length to 'all on top of my head') at night whilst stressed out from exams. it was a liberating experience! couldn't afford a hairdresser, haha. your fringe looks great! x

  3. Your face is so good!!! great fringe- you look AWESOME, ya hottie!

    for me, im lazing about- had coffee and scones for breakfast with a buddy, having an early lunch with the young man... blah blah blah

    xo em

  4. Awesome hair and you look beautiful. I hope some 'cheer' to brighten your day finds you.

  5. You can totally rock that fringe ... it looks great!

  6. so much glamour! totally jealous of that fringe.

  7. Oh you are just way cool! And I LOVE your bangs!


Thanks for your lovely messages! They really make my day :)

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