Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tantrums in Terrariums

I picked up these 2 cute terrariums today at The Design Exchange market in Ballarat. I love how quirky they are with the little dudes inside, and the bottles are just so ace!

Yes, I was very pleased to find these little treasures!


  1. They are amazing. They remind me of The Borrowers!

  2. Oh they are way cool, very unique finds, you've done well :o) xo

  3. What a great idea never thought of placing something inside like this. Thanks for sharing I have many old bottle might have to get the mind working see what I can come up with.

    Always Wendy

  4. Wow these are crazy awesome! How are they done! I would love to have something similar. Truely a marvelous find. Nice work.



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