Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Down That Little Lane

If you're a cool kid you'll already know about the ace new website Down That Little Lane.
Tessa has been working her bum off to bring together the best of the best to create a wonderful place to
shop online.
Guess who is one of the sellers? And might I just mention that sellers were hand picked by Tessa and can join by invitation only? Oh yeah, that's right!
Look at how scrumptious that is!
Whilst setting up shop I have had the opportunity to have a little squizz at all the goodies for sale, and let me tell you, it's pure bliss! I'm going to be so poor soon.
My shop so far...more items to be added soon
It's all systems go now, so you'd better be off for a shop. Just in time for Christmas too!

 I feel privileged to have been invited to be part of this unique idea, and wish Tessa all the best with her new business venture. 


  1. This looks like a great site will go over and have a look, thanks for sharing. Have a lovely day my friend.

    Always Wendy

  2. fantastic thanks. am forwarding to my beloved for birthday gift hintage for me for next week!

  3. Thanks for the shout out honey... now just to stock up your store even more.. we are getting some great feedback and lots of mags asking for submissions so the more product you have the more chance I have of getting you in the mags xx


Thanks for your lovely messages! They really make my day :)

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