Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just call me frazzled

Aargh, my life is chaos at the moment, which explains my absence from the blogging world for the past week or so. I've been frazzled, stressed, panicky, angry all at once, then back to normal all in the one night. I don't stress too easily, which is probably why I give myself plenty of jobs, but this week has been an exception.

I signed myself up for The Design exchange Market which is in October, to sell my Picklebug brooches and pendants. That's all good, and I'm very excited as I'm sharing a table with my good friend Michelle from Bok-Bok-B'Gerk. The reason for my little melt down is I am going to China in 18 sleeps and need to have everything finished before I leave. That's approx. 350 brooches and 100 soldered pendants. And to make it a bit more challenging for myself, cos apparently I love a challenge, I decided to make and screen print cute little aprons, and make earrings as well. 50 pairs. Yep. I love me.

Luckily I found a lovely lady willing to sew my aprons for me, so that's one less thing for me to do. I only had to cut out all the pieces ready to be sewn and believe me that had my knickers in a knot! Not a hard job, but other things kept coming up and I ended up speed cutting an hour before I was due to meet her. Nothing like a bit of pressure to get the job done!

I feel like I'm taking one step forward and two back. I plan on doing a lot of making in the quiet times at work, but guaranteed I'll always leave one vital tool at home. The one thing that you really need to get that job done. It's doing my head in! Universe, why do you hate me so?!

Worst of all, I have had no time to tend to my blog or to read others! I feel disconnected! This blog was being written today come hell or high water. A head cold tried to knock me down but no chance Charlie!

Oh, and did I mention I'm leaving my kids behind when I go to China? 2 and a half weeks without them. Almost the other side of the world. I think this is the main source of my stress.

I have taken photos of this and that to show you, but here's one of those things where the universe is saying
f you! My stupid memory card kept spazzing out and wiping my photos. Over and over. And I'm over it.
Today it decided to work so I'll show you some photos of my ace new furniture from the best shop in the world Modern Vintage.

Enough distracting you with pretty things, back to my whinging now
Urgh, I can feel this cold taking over. Sore throat, headache, eyes closing over. Random ramblings. I think I'm going to succumb to it. Drift off into a heavy, crazy dream filled sleep. Oops, better add runny nose and dizziness to that sick list.

Aren't you glad you read this blog today? Good on you if you're still reading. If I saw a whinging rant like this I'd be outta there in .07 seconds. 

Feel free to let your troubles out in my comments section. might make me feel a bit better!

P.s, please don't un-follow my blog because of this terrible load of rot, I'm not always like this, I promise!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

32 photos for 32 years

Tomorrow is my birthday. I'll be 32 years young (something only old people say). It completely baffles me as to where the past few years have gone. Was it really 2 years ago I was dancing tragically to bad music at my 80's themed 30th? Permed hair thrashing through the air, it doesn't feel like that long ago! In fact my 18th doesn't feel like long ago either. Another dress up party of course (I was a rag doll this time), and 50 or so kids having a snow ball fight out in the street where I grew up.
I think tomorrow will be the first time the weather has been nice on my birthday! As a kid my birthday parties would be cancelled at the last minute due to me coming down with some sort of illness. The joys of being a winter baby!
And so the reminiscing starts, photo albums out and having a few laughs! I'm going to share a few with you,
32 photos for 32 years.
Note: due to extreme laziness, I took photos of my photos on my phone. Who has time to scan these days?!
Trend setter, what can I say?

I had no clue whatsoever how to style my hair during the awkward teen years. Who would have thought I'd end up a hairdresser!

I was 20 when I had Jesse. It seems so young, but I felt like it was the only thing in the world I wanted to do, just be a mum! 

Top right: there was a fire next door to work one night. Who wouldn't take that opportunity to ride the fireman's hose?!!
and yes I realize how that sounds!

Kate Middleton copied my idea of white bridesmaid dresses

Family photos, lost puppies and 80's do's

Family shenanigans! 
 Does anyone else feel like life is flying by? I swear the way things are going I'll wake up one day soon and I'll be 80!
Chow everyone, enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Scandinavian awesomeness

I wanted to post about some stuff I've been doing today, like my daughter's room revamp, or my
screenprinting work, but I left my camera at home, and I'm stuck here at work all day. And it's dreadfully quiet. So here's some pictures of ace houses for you to ponder.

I think this wall art by Urban Road would look superb in any of these rooms. I love it to bits! Now you have a chance to win it for your house (or preferably my house!)
Pop on over to Urban Road and become a follower, she really does have some pretty cool things!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Don't want it to end...

Today was the last time my great team of hairdressers will work all together. One of the girls is leaving to have her second baby, another is going at the end of next month to have her first baby, and another is heading overseas for at least 6 months. I always seem to lose all my girls at once!

I have the best staff ever. We all work together so well, and we love hanging around after work just to chat and have a few laughs. Best of all we can be idiots and just have fun!
I can call them some of my best friends.

(my sister is also part of the team, but she's on holidays so you miss out on seeing her lovely face today!)

I have had my fair share of nasty, bitchy staff, so I am extremely grateful to have these girls. They make life so much easier, and work so enjoyable. Now I have to find new girls to replace the ones that are leaving, and I'm scared! Will I find someone just as fun, just as awesome, just as great at doing hair? Someone everyone will love? Wish me luck!

What's everyone else grateful for today? Head on over to Maxabella Loves and see!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I've never had a brand new laptop! My most awesome husband surprised me at work with an early birthday present, and I love it!
And I have a webcam, I know most people have these but this is my first! What a novelty!

These faces are pretty tame, but I am actually the master of disgustingly ugly photos, my sister and I have perfected them. The trick is the angle...
If I get to 100 followers I'll celebrate by showing you the ugly. Lucky you!

But serious, how good is a new gadget?

Old chair, new chair

At my work there is 3 floors - downstairs is the shop, and the top 2 floors are used for storage, and are haunted by a 6 year old boy, but more on that another time. The top floors used to be apartments from the mid 1800's til the1960's. Someone left this chair behind when they moved out, so this week I decided to claim it for Ryleah's room.
It wasn't in too bad shape at all, so I only needed to re-cover the cushion. Too easy! 
This was the cushion before I attacked it.

Ryleah loves it...we have just finished painting her room and re-decorating so this chair has finished it off nicely. Pics of her room coming soon.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Old and haggard

Yep, that's me. I've been looking so old lately, everytime I look in the mirror I feel sick! Especially in the car, natural light is very unforgiving. Maybe it's because it turn 32 in13 sleeps? OLD! Or maybe it's because we're getting my son ready for high school next year? EEEK!
Whatever it is, it's been taking it's toll on the old face. And don't even mention the body!

So I did what any worn out shabby looking hairdresser would do - I gave myself a hair makeover. The fringe wasn't enough, this would have to be a bit more drastic!

Yep, darker and longer. Sure, it hasn't cured the wrinkles or bags, but a fresh colour gives you a lift and makes you feel so much better!
No doubt I'll be bored of this colour within a couple of months and blonde will be back. Blonde is my natural colour so dark never lasts long in my hair. That and light roots with dark ends look very bad, like you're going bald!

I've been very busy lately doing lots of fun things, I will show you photos soon and fill you in!
Have a lovely day!

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I love mismatched dining chairs more than anything! Look at this! Look I tell you!
Now that is my kind of set up. Love!

Monday, August 1, 2011

One sick boy

A bowl of chicken noodle soup, bread for dipping, lemonade, a comfy couch, doona, pillows, a pouf to rest weary limbs, and many movies. Just what the doctor ordered.
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