Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Food for the belly

It's been positivly freezing here today! My iphone tells me it's currently 3 degrees but the 'real feel' is -4 degrees. Yup, that sounds about right! 
Unfortunatley I couldn't stay indoors all day, so by the time work was done I was itching to get some more warm winter food on the go. After a quick trip to the supermarket to get ingredients, I then fed the chooks and ducks and ran inside to the warmth and comfort of my good old slippers!

Righto, ready to start!
I decided to give pies a go for the first time - meat for the kids and potato & leek for me.

Win! My daughter Ryleah loved the meat pies, and the potato & leek was delicious! Almost like a thick soup in a pie! What more could you want when it's hailing outside?


  1. excuse me Rach but where was my invite!!! ;-)

    See you Thurs. Heads up.....I'm a mess. A blank canvas!

  2. Yum, these sound delicious! Perfect for warming the belly on a cold winter night x


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