Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let's do 52

So it's a new year, and it's at this time that we always think of some new goals for ourselves to achieve right? Well I didn't really have anything in mind, apart from continuing the market stuff, and I wasn't too fussed about it either.  But then I came across something that I couldn't pass up - 'Let's do 52' is a fun photography project started by Annie from Paint the Moon. The idea is pretty simple, you just need to take 1 photo per week and add it into the Let's do 52 group on Flickr. Easy so far, but I reckon once I'm back at work and everything's back to it's busy self it will get rather tricky. Plus, I can't just post any old photo! It has to be one I'm completely happy with letting other photographers see.
Anyhoo, this is my first photo for the year, taken of my cute nephews earlier this week on our tyre swing.
Now while we're on the topic of photography, you have to check out Paint the Moon by the chick who started this project. She has made these photoshop tools which you can download and use on your pics. I've just had my first taste and LOVE them! I find photoshop confusing and annoying and takes up way too much time, but these tools help heaps, just a click will change your photos dramatically. Next I'm getting one to help sharpen eyes, it makes any eyes look amazing! Serious, check it out (Michelle I'm talking to you!)
I got my first tools for free via the facebook page, it's a limited time thing so not sure how long you've got to try this out.
Before editing

After editing
My new favourite thing to play with! Now to figure out how to delete a finger from the photo!
Adios for now


  1. Oh wow... I will definitely have to check this out! Such a huge difference!

  2. Wow Rach.....nice colours.

    Content Aware Healing tool in Photoshop CS5 with get rid of that finger in gee....3 seconds max.

    Keep up the great work.


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