Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I made a dress

I made myself a dress yesterday!
I'm so happy with how it has turned out, I'm even going to wear it to work today. Let's hope I've sewn the seams right so I don't have a wardrobe malfunction during the day!
 I bought the pattern from Spotlight to join in on this sew-along. Turns out my huge boobs aren't cut out for that style of dress so I had to make a few alterations to make it work. And I added these little frilly bits to the shoulder too. I'm very happy with them!
With a belt jazzes it up a bit for work, without is good for days off.
Think I might tackle this one again in different fabric. I love vintage dresses but it's hard to find a style that suits my shape, so I think I might just use vintage style fabric to get the look I'm after.

So what do you think? Do you make your own clothes?


  1. Wowsers! That is great - love the vintag-y lace trim and cap sleaves - very profesh.

    What's next?!

  2. very cute dress....well done, you did well altering the pattern too :)
    I do loads of sewing for my kids, but 0 for me....it's something i want to get back into. Thanks for the kick up the butt!!

  3. You look so adorable, Rach! Your shape is a good shape and you're dressing just perfectly for it. How clever are you!

    I WISH I could make my own clothes. x

  4. It is so pretty Rach and so are YOU! Gorgeous, clever gal xo

  5. Gorgeous indeed. Love the details. Wish I was that clever. x

  6. you are good!! beautiful! Love the fabric and pattern. It's a good idea to be able to wear the vintage fabric in a style you like, I may have to try that however I cannot sew anything more complicated than a cushion cover!


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