Wednesday, November 9, 2011


He's a real cutie, a little ball of fluff...
 with the sweetest little face...
he's the quietest puppy I've ever seen...
 doesn't bark or cry, not even at night...
 he loves the kids & follows them everywhere...
 he's floppy, reminds me of a teddy bear...
 and he looks a bit like an ewok...
 the cats don't know what to think of him...
 especially pebbles...
Otis tries to act cool...
 he's the newest member of our family...
 we love him!


  1. i was looking at these pics and trying to think of what your gorgeous bub looks like and then read the words, ewok, so is! he looks like a bundle of beans, adorable!! x ashley

  2. Ohhh so cute! I want him! Enjoy!

  3. Awww he's adorable! And he does look a bit like an Ewok... used to love those little creatures :o)
    Otis looks like a Russian Blue... I used to have a Russian Blue, they are beautiful cats xo


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