Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Old man in pj's, originally uploaded by Rach Jax.

Linking up with Faith hope & a whole lotta love
{sorry can't do an active link from flickr in China!}


  1. he is cute. i love his bowl and love seeing how other cultures live. did he wonder why you were taking his photo?

  2. Hey Rachael, just realised you are in China...I sent the canvas today (finally...sorry it took so long). So I am just wondering if there will be anyone around to collect it when it arrives? I left instructions to leave at the front door if not home. Love your photo's of China btw!!
    Suzie xx

  3. ohh I love this!! Thanks for joining in! I hope you are loving your adventures in China. I am off to read more of your blog!


Thanks for your lovely messages! They really make my day :)

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