Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Backyard - a work in progress

the not quite yet lawn

I can't normally grow plants so I'm pretty excited that things seem to be taking off in my garden! Wish the grass would do the same :(

Monday, February 21, 2011


Today our little kitten Pebbles went to the vet to get desexed & microchipped. Normally she's full of energy and hates sitting still for cuddles, so it's been kinda nice having her a bit more relaxed, even if it is just because of the anesthetic! I've been making the most of it - lots of cuddles and of course, lots of photos! I can never normally get a good shot of this cat!
Otis watches over his little sister

Cuddles on Ryleahs' bed


Snoozing in the sun
How cute is she?
On a sadder note, we lost one of our little guinea pigs last night :(  Poor little love, not quite sure what happened, but it seemed like he had caught a cold and just went down hill from there. We tried getting his temperature up, but it was too late.
Guinea, yes and original name I know!

As I was sitting there trying to warm this little piggie it reminded me a lot of when I was a kid - my guinea pig caught pneumonia after getting caught in a huge downpour one night. I tried all day to keep that little guy alive. I had him in front of the heater, turning him every now and then to try to warm him, but despite my efforts, he died that night.
These things happen right? I just like to try to not let them happen!
I better stop there before you all think I'm some sort of crazy animal lady! (Well ok, maybe I am!) I know most people wouldn't carry on about a guinea pig dying, let alone write about it in their blog! Ah well, you get all sorts hey?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A giveaway!

To celebrate to release of my new collection of vintage brooches, I decided to have a little giveaway! Yay! So what do you need to do to win? Well you just need to become a follower of this blog, and leave a comment below. If you're already a follower (one of the many 6!) just leave a comment and you're in the draw. It doesn't get much easier than that! A bonus entry into the draw will be given to people who recommend picklebug to friends! Better write that in a comment too so I know!

Oh yes, the prize! Well I will be giving away 2 sets of brooches, 1 large & 1 small, to 2 randomly selected followers. Ace!

So here is a select few of the new collection for you to look at. I will be working on setting up an etsy store in maybe a couple of months, and I have a few ace little shops who will be stocking my picklebug products very soon! Exciting stuff!
All the brooches have images from old books and magazines I have collected over the past few years

a pattern book from the 60's

old sheet music

vintage comics

a 50 year old Sydney street directory

children's books
cool speech bubbles!

I love the colours in the old street directories, and I do believe it's all hand written. What a job!

Vintage atlas - very hard to find so appreciate please!

Gotta love Archie comics!

more children's books

and of course more sheet music!
Everyone loves to win something, so just push the little 'follow' button to your right - you know you want to!

(Update: forgot to mention the date of the draw! I'll give it til the end of March.)

Overseas visitors are most welcome to enter!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

New range of brooches

Heres' a little sneak peek from my new range of brooches! I'm that excited about these! I decided to use plywood as the backing for my brooches instead of polymer clay - it's a lot less work and I think the result is much cleaner and just all round better. I love them, just need some brooch pins in the back & we're set! I just hope everyone else loves them too, what do you think?
Large vintage style brooches

Still need a little work on the small brooches

Will post again to show them all finished!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I touched Tim Rogers

Oh yeah, you'd better believe it! Although you can't see his face, it is indeed the man himself, Tim Rogers from You am I. Chuffed just a bit.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

{This moment}

A Saturday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. {Soule Mama}

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Our mini photo shoot! Used the last photo for this week's Let's do 52 project, the theme was 'delicate'. I love how the colours have turned out! 
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